
Job Search Tool Kit

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5.0 Rating From 2 Reviews.
on 17, Sep 2021
“I was “early retired” by the corporation I had worked for, for 18 years and was still going strong. There was no reason other than I already knew when you approach age 55 you could expect the “offer”. I happened to meet a … (Dewey) at a job fair and that started a relationship wherein I took a couple of classes and gained one certification which was critical in my job search. After 18 months I landed my dream job in IT with the VA national office due to that certification!! I am forever grateful to the services for the unemployed especially veterans of which I am one. Bravo zulu!!”
on 17, Sep 2021
Lots of great information!

Intro picture with headline, "Career Seekers--We can help"

We help the unemployed get back to work

I have over 20 years’ experience in higher education. I was laid off from my position several years ago and struggled to get employed again because of ageism.

Luckily, I got back to work, but this time on the corporate side rather than a college. That was when I learned about the WIOA grant and knew what an opportunity this could be for the unemployed or people with a low income. There were only two problems: Most people who need it have never heard of it and most schools do not relish working with it because of all the red tape.

The processes vary from one county to the next and are constantly changing. Luckily, I have always been good at dealing with bureaucracies and their red tape. My experience working in career education gives me an in depth grasp of the many career options and what it takes to get hired.

I now specialize in helping veterans, unemployed (and under-employed) workers who may be eligible for a government grant that will pay for them to get trained, certified and help them get placed in their career and achieve their goals. Check our pages under WIOA Grants for the Unemployed.

As you can see from this website, I also have included all sorts of useful tips to help the unemployed get back to work, including how to do your resume, cover letter, LinkedIn profile, and more. Check my pages under Career Coach Skills. 

Trying to find out which careers are in the biggest demand in the local market? Check our page(s) under Best Career Choices (more to come). 

We also do a number of presentations on different related topics, so you can see which ones I will be doing under Upcoming Events.

Now if you are unemployed, you might be eligible for that grant we mentioned

Let’s see what you qualify for!

See if you Qualify for a WIOA Grant

Are you unemployed? There is a little known federal grant program that can pay for you to get trained, certified and placed in your career at no cost to you. Availability and amounts are based on where you live. If you qualify, this program can pay up to $10,000 to get trained, certified, and then get help getting placed in their career. The amount and availability vary by county

This can be used to get certified in fields such as Cyber-Security, Information Technology, Project Management, Business Analysis, and more. Some of the most highly sought-after certifications include CompTIA, Microsoft, Cisco, Project Management Professional (PMP), Scrum Master, and others.