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Train-Certify-Get Placed at no cost to you!

WIOA Grants For The Unemployed (and Under-employed)

Are you unemployed (or low income)? Have you been laid off or received a notice of layoff? If so, you might qualify for a little-known government grant designed to help people just like you who are unemployed and trying to get back into the job market. It is called the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). There is no cost to you if you qualify. This is a grant, not a loan.

This grant pays up to $15,000 to help you get trained, certified and placed in your career–at no cost to you!

WIOA training grants for the unemployed

What is WIOA?

WIOA stands for the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act which is designed to help job seekers access employment, education, training, and support services to succeed in the labor market. WIOA training funds are designed to serve dislocated workers, adults, and youth who are in need of training to enter or re-enter the labor market. It is one of the most comprehensive and important skills and workforce development bills and has bipartisan support in Congress.

It is a jobs program. WIOA provides training grants to aid workers get trained, certified, and placed in high demand fields such as information technology, cyber-security, business analysis, project management, and more. The idea is that there are careers in which there are not enough qualified workers and there are declining fields in which there are too many people. The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) tries to fix this problem by providing funding for career training in fields that are in high demand in the local area to those who qualify for this grant. The certifications must be nationally recognized and in fields in high demand where there is a greater expectation of employability. This training is intended to make your skills more marketable so you can get hired and return to the workforce. This is a grant, not a loan. If you are eligible, everything is covered, even the exam. The amounts vary by county but can be as high as $15,000 depending on where you live.

Here are some examples:

Hillsborough County – $5,000 for WIOA, but veterans can get $10,000 with their new Get There Faster program

Pinellas County – $15,000

Pasco County – $6,000

Hernando County – $6,000

WIOA supersedes the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 and amends the Adult Education and Family Literacy Act, the Wagner-Peyser Act, and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. WIOA brings together, in strategic coordination, the core programs of Federal investment in skill development: Employment and training services for adults, dislocated workers, and youth and Wagner-Peyser employment services administered by the U.S. WIOA grant amounts vary by county but can be as high as $10,000 in some areas.

How do I qualify for WIOA?

There are three main categories: Dislocated Worker, Adult Low Income, and WIOA Youth. You must also be determined to be “suitable.” This means they must believe you are someone who will take advantage of this program to get back to work. This is not an entitlement.

The application process can be very confusing so it is best to consult with us beforehand. We can help determine if you are eligible and guide you through all the red tape.

Are you unemployed? Millions of people lost their jobs because of the Corona Virus so Congress has stepped in to help. On March 18th, the Department of labor set aside $100 million dollars for dislocated worker grants and more funding was added for workforce assistance with the law that just passed. if you qualify, this program, can pay up to $10,000 to get trained, certified and then get help getting placed in their career. The amount and availability varies by county. This can be used to get certified in fields such as Cyber-Security, Information Technology, Project Management, Business Analysis and more. Some of the most highly sought after certifications include CompTIA, Microsoft, Cisco, Project Management Professional (PMP), Scrum Master and more. If you would like to see if you qualify, you can call me at 813-387-3503 I look forward to speaking with you

Dislocated Workers

If you have been laid off, terminated for performance, your job was eliminated, the facility where you work has closed or will be closing within 180 days, received a notice of lay-off, then you can qualify as a dislocated worker. New categories were added for veterans and spouses of active duty service members. If you are a veteran and were honorably discharged within the last 48 months and are unemployed you might qualify. If your spouse is on active duty and you were forced to leave your job because he or she was reassigned you might qualify. There is also a special category for displaced homemakers.

Adult Low Income and WIOA Youth

If you are on food stamps or have been on food stamps anytime within the last 6 months, if you or a family member are on SSI or SSDI, or have limited income, you might qualify under adult low income. The income guidelines will vary depending on the county where you live. Pasco and Hernando County allow you to make more and still qualify. Hillsborough and Pinellas Count have more stringent guidelines.

If you are between 18 – 24 there is a special program for youths if you are unemployed. This program also varies by county. Depending on where you live, it may be better to apply under dislocated worker or adult low income. You must also be determined to be “suitable.” This is not an entitlement. The process is perplexing so it is best to consult with us beforehand to see if you are eligible.

WIOA Hernando County

You Should Know This About The WIOA Program


The program really is free if you qualify. While it may not cost you any money, it may cost you some patience. Some counties have incredibly bureaucratic agencies and have a lot of red tape.  I am an expert in helping people qualify for the WIOA grant and get approved in a timely manner. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Are there any hidden costs?

There is no charge to you if you qualify. No reimbursement or any personal expenses. This is a grant, not a loan. Even the exam(s) are paid for. However, as mentioned above, this is not an entitlement. They do not have to approve your application if you are not deemed suitable.

Can you use this grant for any training you want?

This is a jobs program so you must pick something where there is a high likelihood of employment. Each county has a regionally targeted occupations list (RTOL) to choose from. They want to make sure you select a career that is in high demand where you have a greater likelihood of getting hired. This is not for hobbies. For each approved career, there will be approved training programs to choose from.

What are the best types of careers to choose from if you get a WIOA grant?

You want a plan that can be completed in a short period of time. It needs to be something that will increase your marketability enough to help get you a job. We look at the best ways to leverage your experience to add a certification that will make you attractive to employers and easier to get hired. Some occupations are ideal for this grant for this: cyber-security, information technology, project management, business analyst, human resources, executive secretaries and administrative assistants, etc.

What about getting help finding a job?

That is the whole purpose of this program–to help you get a job. We help you with your resume, cover letter, LinkedIn profile, interview skills, and most importantly, getting your information in front of the hiring managers. We work with over 3,000 employers in Central Florida who use us for their training needs. A lot of them recruit from us so we get many job leads that are not available to the general public. Over half the jobs we have helped place people in are not even advertised.

What is the next step if I want to apply for this grant?

We need to see if you qualify. You can call me at 813-387-3503, or if you prefer, book a time for me to call you:

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