Hillsborough County WIOA
Before you start the process, you need to know this about Hillsborough County: They are slow. The time it will take to get approved so you can start your training is longer than with other counties in the local area. Typically, it takes 6 – 8 weeks and sometimes longer. The good news is that if you qualify, there is no cost to you other than your patience. The classes, courseware, labs, and exams are all covered.
Hillsborough County will pay a maximum of $10,000, but they don’t give you as many choices as other counties.
If you are unemployed, I still think you should apply. It does not cost you anything and if you do not get a job quickly, then you probably do need the additional certified skills to increase your marketability. When you are unemployed, you don’t want to be tapping into your savings to do this if you can avoid it, so it’s best to take advantage of an opportunity that could have a very positive impact on your career.
There is a lot of red tape and if you do not know what you are doing, there will be unnecessary delays and you could end up being not approved. We guide you along every step of the way to try to get you approved as quickly as possible.